Tired of feeling stuck in your exhibit marketing? Ready to break out of the ‘same-old, same-old’ methods and get dramatically different results?
You don’t just need more information – you need strategies to turn information into action and results. So in the Exhibit Marketers Café Community you’ll be able to:
- Connect and build relationships with others who share similar challenges and experiences
- Learn from business experts both inside and outside the exhibit industry who can help you discover solutions
- Ask questions to get input/feedback on your exhibit marketing plan
- Gain perspective with proven real-world insights and advice
- Get accountability and support from a community of people who “get” what you do
- Grow your business and advance your career
Take advantage of this opportunity for communication, collaboration, innovation, inspiration, education … and implementation!
Introducing the Exhibit Marketers Café Community!
We’ve created a private group to meet the needs of exhibit professionals like you. Inside you’ll discover resources to support you, as well as opportunities to connect and collaborate with your fellow exhibit marketers.
Why not a group on social media, you ask? First of all, not everyone wants to participate in any given platform, plus we wanted a safe and private area we could call our own. So we’ve chosen to use the Tribe platform instead.
Watch this video for a quick tour of how the Community works. You’ll see it’s a lot like other platforms you may be used to.