Feel free to explore and sample all you want! You may also want to request a free subscription to the TradeShowTips Online monthly e-newsletter. (Click here to view a sample edition.)


The “Exhibitor Education Manifesto”

Exhibitor Education ManifestoThe Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) issued a report on “How the Exhibit Dollar is Spent,” which stated that of the $24 billion used for U.S. trade show marketing, staff training comes in dead last at a measly 1%! (Another study reports that 31% of exhibitors provide no type of pre-show training at all!)

This manifesto was compiled to explain what exhibitor education is (and isn’t) and why it matters. If you believe your exhibit marketing could improve and you want to create the most successful exhibit team you’ve ever had, then go ahead and grab your free copy!


Trade Show Insights blog/podcast

Trade Show InsightsTrade Show Insights features analysis of exhibit industry topics and interviews with leading industry professionals. Hosted by Marlys Arnold, exhibit marketing strategist and author of Build a Better Trade Show Image and the ExhibitorEd Success System. Inside you’ll discover news and insights posts, interviews with guest experts, and a featured monthly podcast episode. Check out the most recent posts here or subscribe to the podcast here.


Open Mic Discussions

Open Mic - Come join the conversation!We’re hosting periodic live chats in a LinkedIn Audio Room – yes, that’s a new thing! It’s kind of like that audio-only platform you’ve probably heard about, only you join the conversation inside LinkedIn, using your desktop or mobile app.

While there’s no option for replays just yet, you’ll find recap summaries inside the free EMC Community. To be notified of upcoming Open Mic events, be sure to follow Marlys on LinkedIn.


Virtual Lunch in the Exhibit Marketers Café

We're Open signTo provide a sense of community for our industry during complicated times, we hosted Virtual Lunch right here in the Café for more than two years. We shared tips and resources, as well as provided encouragement and accountability.

While we’re no longer going live every week, the archives are still available here in the Café. There’s no charge to access, and you don’t need any special software. (And who knows … we might even do a pop-up Virtual Lunch occasionally!)


“Beginner’s Guide to Exhibit Marketing” Toolkit

Beginner's G2 Exhibit Mktg. coverA successful exhibit experience depends on much more than just what happens in your booth. It’s a process that starts long before you ever enter the trade show floor, and continues long after the event ends. But you don’t have to guess at what needs to be done! This toolkit for beginning exhibitors has strategic tips and tools that you can implement, along with a checklist and glossary of terms you need to know. Request your own copy now!


“YES in 15” weekly tips

YESin15You don’t have to go it alone, even if you’re a lone wolf in your job as an exhibitor. This series of tips will only take a few minutes out of your week, yet can propel your exhibit marketing strategy forward like never before if you take action on each tip. It’s called “YES in 15” because it only takes 15 minutes a week (or less) to improve Your Exhibit Success (YES).

Each week, you’ll receive a short e-mail with a bite-size strategy and suggested action. Then you’ll have the opportunity to share your frustrations and successes in our online forum. All of this is provided at no cost as a gift to you, the time-crunched exhibitor. Simply click here to fill out a short subscription form. Be sure to check the box that says “YES in 15”! (Plus you’ll also receive the Trade Show Tips Online monthly ezine.)


Free Videos

“7 Mistakes Exhibitors Make (and how to avoid them)”

"7 Mistakes Exhibitors Make" video series promoWant to know the 7 Mistakes Exhibitors Make (and how to avoid them)? Exhibit marketing strategist and author Marlys Arnold shares tips for transforming your next exhibit experience and attracting more qualified leads in this free video series. (Now available as part of the Exhibit Marketers Café Free Membership!)



Free Webinars

“GPS Your Exhibit Marketing”

GPS-graphic-newYou’ve been plugging away at your exhibit marketing … you’ve been pushed and prodded to improve on current results and you’re exhausted. You’re spread far too thin — with budget, time & resources — and you feel like you’re constantly falling behind, trying so hard to keep up with the logistics of exhibiting that you miss the strategies which can increase your results dramatically. But before you throw up your hands in frustration, what if you could get a strategic roadmap together for your upcoming shows … and the only cost is an hour of your time?

That’s exactly what you’ll learn to create in the “GPS Your Exhibit Marketing” webinar! When you set out on a long-distance road trip to a place you’ve never been before, odds are you don’t just jump behind the wheel and start driving. Instead, you probably study a map or program your destination into your GPS System. So why not create a GPS to guide you in your exhibit marketing for the coming year?


“Trade Shows: What Matters in 2014 – Keeping Your Audience Engaged”

Free Resources for ExhibitorsFor years, people have been saying that trade shows are dying due to technology and online networking. But show after show is proving, in the words of Mark Twain, “The report of my death is an exaggeration.” Face-to-face connections are becoming even more important in our digitally-connected world, but it’s time for conventions and trade shows to be reinvented for a tech-savvy, global audience whose attention span is down to mere seconds.

In this free webinar hosted by TSNN, you’ll discover tips & trends for:

  • Creating a year-round community vs. a one-week event
  • Tapping into the power of crowdsourcing and curated content
  • Using interactive technology (including mobile apps, wearable gadgets & augmented reality)

Gain a fresh perspective on trade shows, what matters & where we’re going from here!

To view the free replay of this webinar, click here.
