Was your last trade show exhibit as successful as you had hoped … or is there still room for improvement?

It doesn’t matter if you’re headed to your first trade show or your 51st – there are steps you might be missing that can make you more successful. These resources provide you with the tools you need to improve your exhibit marketing strategy.


Exhibit Design That Works

Exhibit Design That WorksStop wasting money on displays that aren’t effective, or worse yet, could damage your company brand. Inside this guide, you’ll discover how you can:

  • Avoid the most common – and not always obvious – mistakes in exhibit design
  • Craft a memorable and effective theme
  • Speak your audience’s language and give them what they want
  • Create a multisensory experience that exceeds expectations and connects with attendees on an emotional level
  • Get all design elements in place to make your booth a success

Exhibit Design That Works is for any exhibitor seeking better results from their trade show investment – whether you’re a rookie starting from the beginning or a long-time veteran wanting to up your game.

This is the first book in the YES: Your Exhibit Success series, which provides exhibitors with tools to create a client-attracting, buzzworthy booth without breaking the bank.

Click here to learn more about Exhibit Design That Works, plus view the Table of Contents and a PDF sampler of the book.


Build a Better Trade Show Image

2024 BIBA® Winner in the Marketing Category!

Build a Better Trade Show Image book cover with Best Indie Book Award gold medallionWhether you’re a first-time exhibitor or have been going to shows for years, this book is filled with tips and proven examples that can jump-start your next exhibiting experience.

You will discover how to:

  • Research shows and set realistic goals for exhibiting
  • Make your exhibit stand out with a unique theme or design
  • Train your staffers so they are able to gather the most qualified leads
  • Create a buzz about your company before the show starts
  • Unlock the potential in the leads you gather
  • Expand your possibilities by implementing non-traditional techniques

Click here to learn more about Build a Better Trade Show Image, and to view the Table of Contents and a PDF sampler of the updated edition.

Want to know behind-the-scenes details on why this book was written – both the original and the updated edition?
Check out this Q&A interview on the Classic Exhibits blog.


Virtually There: Post-Con Perspectives for Remarkable Events

Virtually There - Post-Con Perspectives for Remarkable Events

During 2020 and early 2021, I attended and spoke at more online conferences, expos and events than I can count – literally! I lost track somewhere north of 65, but am guessing it’s probably well over 100.

So why am I telling you this?

Because I compiled several spiral notebooks full of details about how they structured their events, marketed and engaged with attendees, and promoted their exhibitors and sponsors. Now I’m curating all those discoveries and insights into a membership where you can learn from them too. (I guess you could say I attended dozens of events so you don’t have to!)

This is now a special section within our Exhibit Marketers Café Community.


Exhibit Marketers Academy

Exhibit Marketers Academy bannerWish you could be a more educated exhibitor, but just can’t find the time?

Now you can … anytime, anywhere! The Exhibit Marketers Academy features interactive self-study tools for exhibitors of all sizes and industries, designed by trade show consultant and author, Marlys Arnold.

This user-friendly, step-by-step curriculum is filled with proven principles and real-world examples plus an easy-to-follow blueprint you can put to work immediately. You don’t just need more information – you need to know how to turn information into action.

Slash your learning curve with the best-kept secrets of successful exhibitors. These tools teach the “whys” behind the “hows” of trade show marketing so you can enhance your presentation at shows, eliminate costly mistakes, and increase your results.

Can you afford not to have all the latest tools in your exhibiting tool kit?

NOTE: The Exhibit Marketers Academy is transitioning to a new home – check back soon for details!
