International Housewares Show
In order to identify the four separate expos that make up the International Housewares Show at McCormick Place, giant props such as electrical outlets and frying pans are used to create unusual entrances and settings.
(Photos courtesy of the International Housewares Show)
Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City
A growing number of shows provide seating areas around the show floor for attendees to rest. The Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City partners with the Parks & Recreation Department to create park-like settings throughout Bartle Hall Convention Center. Some of these parks even include gazebos and waterfalls. The show’s logo (center photo) was redesigned to reflect the partnership, showing flowers blooming out of a paintbrush. This giant 3-D logo and mini-garden was located in the Convention Center lobby area.
(Photos courtesy of the Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City)
(All of the above are excerpts from Build a Better Trade Show Image, © 2002 by Marlys K. Arnold. All rights reserved.)